Cades Cove: An Autumn Color Story

By Aswesawit @aswesawit

A story of Cades Cove, Tennessee, told in pictures. Autumn color display with abundant wildlife and few visitors. Winding through the cove as the sun sets on a day and a season, nature explodes in the full array of colors while a few visitors share the views with deer and turkeys.

Cades Cove, Tennessee in full fall colors

Clouds are low. The grass still green, but the fall colors are exploding like fireworks displayed from tree to tree.

Horses enjoying the last of the greens, basking is the waning warmth of the sun.

Old time house welcoming in this fall season, counting it as one of many from the past displays.

Cades Cove Primitive Baptist Church, established on June 16, 1827 rests from its past service hosting while glowing brightly against the leaves changing.

Cemetery at the back of Cades Cove Primitive Baptist Church houses those who have seen their last Autumn and now rest as time moves on without their presense.

As the sun sets over Cades Cove, the colors change and green pines contrast greatly with the reds, yellows and oranges of deciduous trees of the Great Smokey Mountains in Tennessee.

Barns built to protect livestock from the coming winter now stand as monuments to times past when gathering hay for feed.

A once treasured wagon see no more horses, no more riders, but only peace and rest with a few visitors from time to time.

Creeks carry fallen leaves off the mountains after they have given their display of true colors when the chlorophyll of summer sun feeding fade away.

Turkeys and deer come out from their daily hiding spaces in the nearby woods to feast of the leftovers of summers production of greens, a last hunt before becoming the hunted.

As the sunsets further the reds and oranges blast out in a mockery of the suns attempt to display its reds and oranges, but they works in harmony to give us the essence of autumn in the air.

Roads empty Cades Cove as darkness begs to take over and hide natures display of the changing seasons upon us.

A lone buck crowned with 7 points of age joins the harem of does feasting on remaining grass.

As the greater light gives way to the lesser light, the time to leave is rapidly approaching in the endless cycle of days and nights pushing the seasons upon us.

Working our way out, the display beacons us to snap a few more shots of color to watch on the histogram.

A final look over our shoulders back at Cades Cove’s warming welcome of fall color display, memories and a sense of cold approaching in the next few weeks leaves us astounded to the reckoning of time and times past.

The journey ahead will leads to greener pastures but not before the whites of winter blankets the remaining greens of pastures this season provided to nature and nature lover’s alike.

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