Cache a Predator by m. Weidenbenner

By Gpangel @gpangel1
Cache a Predator by M. Wiedenbenner is a 2013 Random publishing release. I was provided a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Brett is a police officer, a father, and divorced. The court awarded his alcoholic and drug addicted ex-wife custody of his daughter based primarily on the age old adage about a child needing to be raised by their mother. Not in this case. When Brett gets a call from his six year old daughter, Quinn , saying she can't wake her mother up, he breaks the restraining order his ex placed on him and goes to care for his daughter. When he arrives he finds his ex passed out and her home is a pig sty. She's lost her job again and Brett is tied up in knots over his daughter living like this. But, when they can't find Quinn and she turns up at Child Protective Services it looks as though Brett may have a chance in his fight to win custody.
In the meantime time a series of incidents involving child predators being killed and having their penis's cut off , and the GPS "game" being played by hikers involving the search for cache boxes has Brett working the case. When this case becomes mixed up in his personal life he doesn't know who to believe. Quinn's life is at stake and the race is on to find a child predator.
This was a very suspenseful novel. It was also heartbreaking and heartwarming. The statistics for abuse of children is astronomical. It effects lives for years and years. In this story there were several incidences of abuse that had far reaching effects well into adulthood for the victims. Quinn's mother, Ali, was a victim and just couldn't move past it. Even Quinn's social worker was abused as a child.
Brett is a devoted and dedicated father, but the system has let him down. Now, he has to deal with the real possibility that he may lose his daughter to the system if he can't win custody. The main thing working against him is his temper, although I think I would have a temper too in his situation.
When Quinn is kidnapped by a known sex offender, Brett must find his daughter before she too becomes a victim. Brett is helped by his partner and Sarah, the pretty social worker, and thankfully form other members of his family who rise to the occasion after being estranged.
There were many heartbreaking stories in the book, but there was also the message that there is hope and to never give up.
A top notch thriller with a heart. Very well done! This one is an A+