Cabinet Paint Choices and Tile Decisions

By Seasideinteriors @seasideinterio1
We have been making progress with the kids bathroom as far as making final decisions and  purchases! 
Cabinet Paint Choices and Tile Decisions Mitte Grey was the final choice when it came to purchasing the tile for the flooring.  It was my second choice in color variation, but first choice in wallet decision making, so we picked up a few cases of it for the bathroom.
Cabinet Paint Choices and Tile Decisions $1.99 a square foot was too good to pass up!
Cabinet Paint Choices and Tile Decisions Also picked up two bags of Keracolors white grout.
Cabinet Paint Choices and Tile Decisions
And then for paint color for the cabinets, we purchased Commodore by Sherwin Williams in their Enamel paint.                  SOURCE
Hopefully it looks as good as this twin bed finished in Commodore that I shared with you last week.
  We also wanted to give the cabinets the smoothest finish possible, so we picked up their version of Floetrol, which is just an additive that gives you longer drying time so that you can work the surface with your brush or roller until it is as smooth as possible.  So, I am excited to try this stuff!   With a lot of the purchases being made, we pretty much have everything we need to get started.     Left to purchase are some towels, extra long shower liners, toothbrush holder, trash can, shelving for behind the toilet, a recessed light for over the tub, and some nick nacks.    This weekend and next week, we will be doing the demo work and getting started on tiling and board and batten.  We need to have the bulk of everything done for next Thursday when our Electrician will be coming out to add the lighting for the mudroom, office, and kids bath.     If I can sneak away from the project, I am going to try my hand at painting some Navy stripes on some recently purchased Ikea curtains for my parent's Dining Room Makeover so that we can install my mum's curtains and blinds.  So stay tuned for up coming posts on that project, a thrift store framed art makeover, and the Mod Podge discounted artwork that I am finishing for the kids bathroom.   So before we get started on everything, we are going to relax tonight and watch Reck it Ralph with the kids while shoving my feet in some water with my daughter and doing some quick Pedi's and mani's.   Do you relax even before you get started on projects?  Kinda backwards, but feels so right ;-)
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Seaside Interiors