Bypass > Sleeve For Type 2 Diabetes

By Beliteweight @BeLiteWeight

Sleeve For Type 2 Diabetes" title="Bypass > Sleeve For Type 2 Diabetes" />

Our BeLiteWeight team is no stranger to the scene of surgical weight loss options. After assisting more than ten thousand customers over the past fifteen years our patients stories have given us insight in to what options are better for certain people. Even if you or a loved one is not excessively overweight but is suffering from Type 2 Diabetes than bariatric surgery may help alleviate many symptoms and put the disease in to withdrawal. This has been the case for many of our patients!

However, certain procedures are more effective than others at combating Type 2 Diabetes. The two most common bariatric procedures are the Gastric Bypass and the Vertical Sleeve, but the Bypass has been shown to be exceptionally effective for those with Diabetes. This is likely to do with the the effects of the procedure on the stomaches absorption processes.

While BeLiteWeight has been vocal about this for many years, another study published at the end of last month concluded that the Gastric Bypass was the preferred option for Diabetes care. Nevertheless, both offer unique benefits and your entire medical history and current condition have to be fully considered before choosing.

For more information on Gastric Bypass and other weight loss surgical questions, please call BeLiteWeight today at 1-800-215-6497!