Bye Bye Dry Face!

By Inordinatelyplush @inordinateplush

Elizabeth Arden 8hr starter set - £10 at Debenhams (in-store at Newcastle)

Needed to tell you all about my bargain find yesterday whilst mooching in town. As you may already know, I have been struggling to find products which work for my dry skin this winter, not just face products either, hair products, hand products blah blah -I’m a very dry person. I thought that my best bet was to go higher end and try products that have been proven to work, rather than creeping around Boot’s skincare aisle every weekend. I had my eye on the Elizabeth Arden 8hr cream and thought I’d start with a normal tube of the classic balm; to my surprise and absolute delight, Debenhams had this little beauty on their counter for a tenna!

It has 30ml 8hr hand cream, 15ml 8hr daily moisturiser and 15ml of the classic 8hr cream, plus a £10 voucher to use when I buy my next 8hr products –which hopefully I will. So far I am pleased with the hand cream and the 8hr cream, but the daily moisturiser feels a little strange when applying it so I am not sure about this one. The hand cream is just a beauty, it makes my hands so soft; some people may not like the texture as it feels quite greasy before it sinks in, but I am pretty chuffed with it. As for the classic.. an absolute babe. I used it on my dry patches last night and I could definitely see a difference this morning.

I would highly recommend getting this set, or a similar set if you are new to the product as it is a great way of trying it out, plus the 15ml will last me a while anyway as a little definitely goes a long way with this stuff. Have any of you tried anything from the 8hr range? Or is there something you use similar to the balm?

Sorry about the lighting, I was too impatient to photograph it!