By the Numbers – Survey Says Women Want Jewelry for V-day Via National Jeweler

By Raymondleejewelers @raymondleejwlrs

A survey commissioned by Sears finds that when in doubt for Valentine’s Day gift giving, jewelry is the way to go. According to National Jeweler, the study found that:

  • 40% of respondents who were in a relationship reported that they expect to get engaged on February 14th
  • 29% of all women respondents answered that if they could only receive one Valentine’s Day gift, they hoped for jewelry.
  • 20% of women would prefer flowers or chocolate
  • 9% were lusting for the hottest tech toys
  • Tied at 8% were lingerie and kitchen/home items
  • 5% each for shoes/accessories/handbags and clothing
  • Fitness items remain a dubious gift, as only 1% of women would like to receive such a present for Valentine’s Day

Additionally, per National Jeweler’s delightful commentary:

“The survey also showed that men would be well advised to pay better attention to women’s wants, even if they don’t realize it. While 61 percent of men surveyed admitted that they have given a Valentine’s Day gift without any thought behind it, nearly 80 percent of women say they have received a gift that appeared to have no thought behind it.”

So gents, take heed – jewelry is definitively what women want this Valentine’s Day! Save your gift budget for something permanent rather than the temporary – albeit romantic- beauty of traditional red roses, and give your Valentine something she’ll treasure forever. Your gift doesn’t need to break the bank- thoughtful, unique and beautiful jewelry can be found on a budget.

Liz for Raymond Lee Jewelers, your source for diamond jewelry, luxury estate jewelry, and designer jewelry.