One certainly doesn't have to look hard or far to find What's Wrong: greed, selfishness, lack of compassion, short-sightedness, intolerance, forgetting that "there but for the grace of God go I" and that we're all in this leaky boat together, cruelty, exploitation of the earth, willful ignorance and bigotry. The very idea that there is an "Us and Them."
But because I firmly believe that what we focus on and give energy to is what we create more of, I'd like us all to take a few moments to focus on What's Right. Let's create more of this.
Kindness. Compassion. Pulling together in tough times.
Pulling together in good times.
Policeman buys boots for homeless man.
Empathy. Recognition of the Divine in all of us.
The awesome beauty of nature.
"Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful, for beauty is God's handwriting."--Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Be the change you wish to see in the world." --Mahatma Gandhi
What's Right With The World is that we each have the power to make a difference. We can make a difference in small or large ways, but we have the power to create more of what we want to see in the world. We can choose where we put our energy, what to feed. I'm looking forward to seeing what the rest of the By Invitation Only bloggers have posted on this topic. Marsha at Splenderosa is hosting! ~ All original content property of This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 United States License.