Buying the Watchtower and the Word is a Super Idea

By Sjbedard @sjbedard


Have you ever tried to have a conversation with a Jehovah’s Witness? You have all the right intentions but the conversation quickly goes down a dozen rabbit trails. How can you have a productive conversation?

The Watchtower and the Word is an attempt to provide the resources you need. Although it is a response to What Does the Bible Really Teach? it really is a guide to having a good conversation with Jehovah’s Witnesses without getting sidetrack on the nonessential issues. The book is purposely short so that it is accessible to laypeople. And yet it is based on careful research. The Watchtower and the Word is written in a respectful way and it is one of my hopes that you will be able to get a Jehovah’s Witness to read it in exchange for you reading their material.

You can purchase The Watchtower and the Word book at:

iBooks (ebook)

Nook (ebook)



  • Apologetics
  • Jehovah's Witnesses
  • The Watchtower and the Word
  • Watchtower
  • What Does the Bible Really Teach?

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