KinderStuff is a company that makes adorable organic baby clothes. I've got nothing against Target, Old Navy, the Gap sale rack, or (insert affordable chain store here). But it would be nice to occasionally know you have a cute, more one-of-a-kind piece. Especially if you want to give clothing as a gift.
The idea behind the company is buy the clothes, put the clothes on your kids, return the clothes, get a discount on new clothes. And the clothes are really adorable. Look:It's a little on the expensive side for the everyday stockpile of clothing you need for a child, but they make cool gifts and you can feel good about the company.
Also, these guys clearly have a kick-ass sense of humor, because they found this blog via my post about my BFF Gwyneth, and want to give you guys 15% off your first purchase if you use this discount code: “ GO-TEDDY324” and $5 off if you use code: " GO-TEDDY328."Awesome.