Buy Costumes {Review}

By Samantha Curtis @hooahandhiccups

When I was in college, Halloween was one of the biggest weekends of the year. It usually started Thursday night with my sorority party, and then continued into the weekend at numerous bars and fraternities. 
Of course I couldn't wear the same costume all 3 nights (what's the fun in that?) but I had to find somewhere with reasonably priced attire as I was on an extremely strict budget. was always the answer! They have a HUGE selection of costumes and a wide range of prices. Depending on how much I had to spend, I could get entire costumes or just parts and pieces to complete a look. 

Recently, they sent me this one to try! When I received it, I put it on and started dancing around and reenacting all of the cheers. Well because I'm an extremely clumsy person, naturally I slipped on one of Bubba's toys and twisted my ankle. Luckily, that was the extent of it but boy do I wish my husband was videotaping me! 

The aftermath...

If you have no idea what I'm talking about, take a second to watch this video and you can only imagine how I managed to fall aka look like an idiot...


When I received the costume, I was a little disappointed. The picture online looked like it would actually be a thick sweater and skirt like pictured, but it was a lighter material that could be slipped over a sweatshirt if you wanted. The description tells you that but of course I didn't see it when ordering; so make sure you read the description before ordering! is usually offering some kind of discount or special, and the best part? They offer free exchanges and pay for the shipping if it doesn't fit! I hate that Halloween stores only come around once a year, and that is always there for your costume needs. 
In college, we had theme parties once a week and it was nice to have a place to get what I needed. As an adult, theme parties are less frequent but still, you never know when you're going to need a costume! I know that Bubba is going to love dressing up like his favorite super heros one day and I'll know exactly where to go!
I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. 

"Check out this month's featured blog, Life According to Kenz"