Growing up, I always loved receiving the Swiss Colony catalog in the mail. I don’t know exactly what it was, but there was something about Chris Mouse, Petit Fours, and blocks of cheese and sausages that was magical. Mind you, these were the days before the Internet, so one couldn’t just go to Wikipedia to learn what a “Petit Four” was, adding to the mystique of the experience. I’d beg my parents to let me order from the catalog, and they’d usually accede, at least once in the year.
Receiving the beautifully packages Swiss Colony treats on our door was always like getting a visit from Santa. And while working a few years at a major flower and gift retail company has sort of left me a little jaded, I have to admit that surfing through the Swiss Colony web site still gets me into the Christmas spirit.
You can do the same for a sick child at a hospital local to you. If you buy these 72 Petit Fours from Swiss Colony, they’ll ship one of their amazing Gingerbread Houses to a child at a hospital that’s local to you. It’s a service provided by Swiss Colony in assocation with the National Association of Children’s Hospitals and Related Institutions, Inc.
Petit Fours, for those who don’t know, are little pastries that are eaten at the end of a meal. The name means “little oven” in French. The Swiss Colony version resembles tiny layer cakes and are adorably cute (I used to cut little cake slices out of them).
As someone who spent one of his holidays at a hospital as a kid, it’s not the nicest place to be, so this gift means something extra special. It’s not often you can make your own family plus someone in need happy.