Butterfly Wisdom

By Nclark
Butterflies can’t see their wings.They can’t see how truly beautiful they are, yet everyone else can.People are like that as well, they fail to see their own beauty.
I came aross this quote yesterday while searching the internet for inspirational messages.  Immediately it reminded me of the day we brought our first born home from the hospital - almost 5 years ago.  Madailein was in the Special Care Unit for 6 days following her birth since she was born so small (4 weeks early and 4lb 5oz!)  We had been praying and wishing for a baby for so long and were overcome with love when we had our little Madailein.
In our garden we had planted a Rose of Sharon bush, as a symbol for our angel, next to a butterfly bush.  Both had been planted for a few years but never got any blooms.  On the day we brought Madailein home from the hospital, both these plants had flowers blooming and butterflies all around.  What a glorious feeling that was!!  I'm not the type of person to search for messages around me - but I could not doubt that this was a message! Cherish the wonderfully perfect baby we just brought home and any others that may follow suit.  They don't realize how special and beautiful they are.
  This picture was taken on July 23,2007 - right after we took Madailein out of the car to welcome her home.  :)