Buttercup Speaks: On Being Beauty-Obsessed

By Dressmeupbuttercup @hazelsalcedo

Hi everyone! Today is a holiday, thank goodness for this one day breather! One of the things in my agenda is to finish this month's Cosmo (which I religiously buy and read every month #guiltypleasure).

I came across an article by Regina Belmonte entitled " Does Being Beauty-Obsessed Make You Shallow?" then it hits me. I see myself in her. Not that I'm a writer/beauty editor like her, but as someone who also works in the beauty industry, I can't help but wonder if people around me think I'm shallow because of being beauty-obsessed. Often times, when someone asks me what I do and I say that I handle the marketing of a beauty brand, I get the "wow, looks fun!" response. But deep inside, I have this feeling that they find my job shallow. Or me as a superficial person because I chose to be in this industry. I mean makeup? Really? Who will take me seriously, right? When all my other friends and relatives are lawyers, doctors, accountants, business owners, and so on.

And then I have this blog. Which I think further solidifies that impression on others that I'm indeed just a girl obsessed with beauty. That was one of the reasons why I didn't willingly tell people in real life that I have a blog. When I started this blog back in 2010, only a handful of my friends knew. I'm afraid of being judged by others.

But you know what, all these things shouldn't be my concern anymore. To quote Regina on her article, " There's nothing wrong with caring about how I look or being presentable. It doesn't make me any less intelligent, driven, or hardworking." If people don't appreciate me for who I am and what I do, then maybe they don't belong in my life. This is the career path I chose, the industy I wanted to be in. As a marketer I could be in any industry (I had several job offers in other industries, but at the end of the day, they don't feel right), but I chose this one because I have so much passion for it. In fact, I'm excited to take a new exciting role, but I wouldn't go into details for now. Let me ask you this, are you sacrificing your own happiness in a job/industry you loathed? If yes, then maybe it's about time to do some self-assessment. To end this post, let me share this QOTD.

That's all for now! :) I love hearing from my readers! Do leave a comment, tweet me at @hazelsalcedo, send questions via my Ask Box, or post a message on my Facebook page. You can also shoot me an email at hazelnot AT yahoo DOT com. Talk to you soon, okay? ❤