But for the Grace of G-d Go I…

Posted on the 29 May 2011 by Finallygrowingup @mordechaikashuk

I remember, a few years ago, on a Jewish holiday called Purim, where the goal actually, is to get so drunk that you would not be able to tell the difference between Haman and Mordechai (two of the main characters in the holiday’s story; the baddie (Haman), and Mordechai, the goodie.

I had moved way past my drinking phase by that time so I was able, B”H to experience and appreciate the full impact of what I saw.

At the time, say 4 years ago, my soon to be wife and I were living in a small So Ho-like neighborhood called Nachlaot.

And much like So Ho, there are the creative, cutting edge types, and the down in the dirt addict/alcoholic types there.

So that particular evening, due to the nature of the holiday, it was the alcoholics who were out, but not so about.

My girlfriend (at the time) and I were walking down the road, and as we approached a dumpster on our right, we noticed two or three completely blitzed, and by blitzed, I mean comatose individuals lying in (what I presumed were their own fluids) face down in the gutter.

Now, I have lived a very unusual life.

Taken all sorts of things, and wound up in many difficult situations.

I have not, however had the distinguished privilege, of laying face down in a gutter, and thank G-d for that!

But of course it is never too late.

IF i were to choose to follow that course, I could easily wind up in that situation, or an even worse one.

You see, I am not an alcoholic, have never been one, and thank G-d for that.

But I could be, if I chose not to keep up my daily sobriety routine.

And, just because they have now discovered that there is a gene for addiction, does not in any way mean that someone without the gene can’t become an alcoholic or drug addict with enough practice.

You see, they are equal opportunity destroyers, drugs and alcohol.

So just think, with enough time, energy, and practice, you too can wind up face down and comatose in a gutter!

