Busy. Busy. Busy

By Seamssewcreative
This month has gone by so quickly! While I can look back and see quite a pile of things I've accomplished, none of which have made it on my blog :( For that I also lay part of the blame on a sick baby :(
I'm hoping April is a more successful posting month. In the mean time here are some photos of a blanket I made for a baby shower last weekend...
I used spray basting for the first time, and I LOVED it! Here is the quilt basted...

And here it is all quilted and bound...

Here is some of the stitching up close...

She loved it, and it matches her nursery theme perfectly! (Thanks to grandpa to be ;)
I am ALMOST done with Sentimental Me, the quilting is about 75% finished, and then I have the binding to do. Needless to say, this quilt has been a monumental effort. I didn't realize that quilts get exponentially more difficult as they increase in size!
Happy sewing,