Business Planning for Artists–part 2

By Ianbertram @IanBertram

Target Setting

By targets, I mean something defined in very concrete terms to be achieved by a given date. Both aspects of this are important. You need the definition and the date in order to know that you have achieved what you set out to do. I’ve set out some examples below, based on the financial year.

Financial targets

  • Annual net income from sales of at least £X

Artistic targets

  • Complete studio set up for making solar etching plates.
  • Produce at least 6 print works in editions of at least 5, excluding digital.
  • Produce at least 100 other works in various sizes and media, excluding ATC
  • Learn screen-printing techniques
  • Develop skills in making hybrid prints

Marketing and promotional targets

  • Place work in at least 6 new retail venues – so need a list
  • Approach at least three galleries – so need list
  • Upgrade the web site to latest version of software.
  • At least one blog post per week dealing with my own work
  • At least two posts per week dealing with art/culture generally.
  • At least three art related posts to social media sites (FB/Twitter) per day
  • Submit work to at least 4 curated shows in the UK – so need a list first
  • Sign up at least 100 people to mailing list.