Bury the Hatchet

Posted on the 01 June 2021 by Idioms


  • make peace and end a quarrel, settle one's differences to become friends again
  • refers to finally deciding to end an ongoing conflict and thus creating a friendly relationship
  • it involves making peace with someone that you were initially having disagreements and quarrels
  • signifies the end of an argument with someone and becoming friends again
  • used to show that two conflicting parties have come to an agreement and decided to let bygones be bygones
  • there is a sudden loving and friendly relationship created by parties that were initially not on good terms

Example Sentences

  1. After many quarrelling years, the two political parties finally decided to bury the hatchet.
  2. Family members and friends are always advised to bury the hatchet when they find themselves in clashing situations.
  3. Conflicting countries should work on the way to bury the hatchet in order to avoid going to war.
  4. The teammates are urged to bury the hatchet for the sake of the success of the team.
  5. The two neighboring countries India and Pakistan, have often been advised by the world bodies to bury the hatchet for their progress.
  6. By the fear of the police, the college gang requested to bury the hatchet to the guy who was beaten severely just for not obeying them.


The idiom dates back to the 17th century in America. It rose from the Native Americans who literally "buried the hatchet" to make peace and show that the conflicting parties were now in harmony - known as the hatchet-burying ceremony. In this case, weapons were to be buried or cached in the declaration of a peaceful co-existence.