Burswood Seafood Rekindles Us with Our Seafood Platter Ritual

By Foodie Cravings @foodiecravings

When Burswood Seafood got in contact last week about writing a sponsored post for their massive one day seafood sale this Friday 27 November, it reminded me of how much I miss our weekly seafood platter ritual.

When burger boy used to work in his family’s carpet business in Midland, he would go see his mate Robbie at Burswood Seafood’s mobile truck in Guildford and come home with a bag full of frozen seafood which would last us the week. Every Sunday night, we would cook up a seafood platter together and enjoy it with a few beers.

We used to buy seafood from Burswood Seafood’s mobile Guildford truck because it was convenient for burger boy who would drive past it on the way home from work. It was cheaper than buying fresh seafood in Perth and was still of great quality. What I didn’t realize until this week was that they had a store open everyday from 8am – 6pm on Burswood Road. So it’s a lot easier for me to get to and cheaper than buying fresh seafood every week.

So rather than waiting until the weekend to visit one of their Perth mobile seafood trucks in Guildford or Crawley, we headed to Burswood Seafood’s store on Monday and quickly picked up some fish, squid, oysters and scallops to make our seafood platter that night. We were in and out quicker than junior burger realised – which was awesome as toddlers don’t have very great attention spans (mine doesn’t any way).

I just left the seafood in the bags they were snap frozen in and sat them in cold water for a few hours. A few hours later after junior burger went to bed we enjoyed this seafood platter…

To the left are natural oysters served with rock salt and lemon wedges (large 1/2 shell oysters rrp $18.90 per dozen), to the right pan fried pearl snapper (rrp $23.90 per kilo) seasoned with Your Inspiration At Home lime and cracked pepper, pan fried scallops (roe off rrp $29.90 per kilo), salt & pepper squid (rrp $19.90 per kilo) and of course no seafood platter is complete without rosemary potato wedges.

Besides the eating part, I loved cooking together with burger boy. Since we opened our gourmet pizza bar, I do all the cooking as it’s the last thing he wants to do after prepping & cooking all day.

For those of you planning to stock up on seafood before the mad Christmas rush, Burswood Seafood have made their Friday Frenzy Special exclusive to those who sign up so be sure to visit www.burswoodseafood.com.au before Friday.

I think Mondays might become our new seafood platter night!

Disclaimer: this is a sponsored post for Burswood Seafoods, see foodie cravings disclosure policy for more details.