Burn a Lot Calories by Computing with a Friend

By Byfitnessgym92

The report shows that during the average exercise session, women who exercise with friends burn up to 236 calories per seance, compared to the 195 for women who want to go it alone.
“We all have a want to socialise and be with other people, it’s written into our DNA so it’s no surprise that a lot of people like to exercise with friends as this study shows," says Gillian Reeves, home Group Exercise Manager at Virgin Active Health Clubs.
She continues: "Sometimes having an exercise partner is the difference betwixt sitting on the couch in the evening and getting up and out of the house. You are less likely to let your friend down if you arrange to meet them to go to a class or the gym.
"Many women will spur each other on, and provide their friends with the incentive they need to get going.
"Most significantly, having a friend to exercise with makes it more fun – and as well as training hard they can also catch up and treat the experience as another social event.”
There's many reasons why women like to exercise with their friends, the top ones include, being able to gossip, the long term health, to tone up and costing able to get out of the house.
Gillian continues: “Whatever gets you blending in – from walking or swimming to working towards taking part in an event like a triathlon, any form of exercise is will help you lead a healthier life and arrive at you feel good, whether you prefer to work out on your own or in a group. We would recommend doing 150 minutes of physical activity per week - working out with friends in group exercise classes such as Zumba Fitness, Yoga and Body Pump is a great way to get active in a group environment and, most importantly, to have fun, tone up and burn calories in the serve.’’