Burlesque New York to Milan

By Essencerevealed @essencerevealed

Indiegogo.com Page

I decided to apply to the Milan Burlesque Festival.  I did it mainly because I’ve always wanted to go to Milan.  I really didn’t think I’d get in, so it never dawned on me to think about HOW I’d get there.  So, when I got the e-mail that I got in I did a little happy dance then thought, “Oh well, too bad, I have to decline.”  I told a few close friends & supporters and they all said, “You have to go.  Do a crowd funding campaign!”  My brain got busy telling me how I couldn’t do that because it wasn’t for a charitable cause or a life changing invention or a huge production, etc.  I am doing this despite those voices.  I DESPISE asking for help.  Yes, I know there has to be give and take flow in life but, but…  I’m a multi-tasking Taurus who will burn the midnight oil if I have to because I know, I’ll get it done.  Enter fears here.  Enter trust issues here.  Enter control freakishness here.  Yeah, I know I have baggage and can label many of them quite clearly.  They are not designer!

Yet, here I am with 36 days left in a 45 day Indiegogo.com fundraising campaign.

I am asking if you can give and/or share the link and help me spread the word?  It would be so appreciated.

This video is especially for my New Yorkers :

Please & Thank You

ESSENCE REVEALED - Essence Revealed is first generation Bajan born & raised in Boston.  She got her BFA at NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts and MA at NYU’s Steinhardt School of Education.  Her writing has appeared places such as $pread Magazine, Corset Magazine, BurlesqueBible.com and 21st Century Burlesque.  She now performs & teaches nationally and internationally both solo and as a member of Brown Girls Burlesque.  Her favorite thing to do besides reading is to lay on the beach in Barbados to rest up for a night of calypso dancing.  Help Essence get to the Milan Burlesque Awards!