Burgess Park – Old Kent Road End Open

By Davis Landscape Architecture @DavisLandArch

On Saturday 21st July the long awaited opening of Burgess Park, Southwark occurred. Unfortunately, the end closest to me (the Camberwell Road end) is still closed, this is because the grass has not put on sufficient growth yet. I am hoping the final phase of this park will be open soon so we can enjoy it this summer.

Burgess Park Open & Closed (Based on LDA Plan)

One of the main entrances to Burgess Park is off Albany Road, via the new toddler play ground area, past Cumleigh Gardens (with its grade II listed building) and Chumleigh Gardens Cafe.

Burgess Park Chumleigh Gardens Entrance

The main entrance from the east end of the park is via the Old Kent Road gate.

Burgess Park Old Kent Road Entrance

The planting adjacent to the Old Kent Road gate is designed to accommodate the surface water run off from the adjacent area.

Burgess Park Entrance Planting

The old lake has been extended and split into two areas. The larger eastern lake allows for fishing . Both lakes contain fountains to oxygenate the waters of the lake.

Burgess Park Fishing Lake

The smaller western lake is purely ornament.

Burgess Park Top Lake

The edges of the entire lake have been naturalised with soil banks sloping into the water (formerly this was a concrete edge). All banks have been seeded with grass and some areas have been planted with marginal aquatics. Dedicated fishing ‘swims’ have been constructed to accommodate the fishermen who have fished this lake for years.

Burgess Park Lake ‘Swims’ With Marginal Planting

A new bridge has been constructed across the lake dividing the fishing and ornamental lakes. This provides fantastic views across the lakes and forms part of the path network of the park.

Burgess Park Lake Bridge

A wet woodland has been created to receive runoff from the Great Lawn before it drains into the main lake. I hope it receives adequate run off to function as a wet woodland, the vegetation looked lush, but there was no standing water, surprising considering how much rain we have received this summer.

Burgess Park Wet Woodland

The mounds provide fantastic views and an element of enclosure for the park.

Burgess Park View Of Lakes & Mounds

Large flat areas have been retained to accommodate the footballers and games players who formerly used this park.

Burgess Park View Across Great Lawn

Burgess Park View Towards Play Area

The new playground has been open for a several months now. It has been incredibly well used, a fantastic asset for this area.

Burgess Park Play Area

St Georges gardens on the south side of the park adjacent to St. Georges Way , provided a quiet respite from the rest of the park. The layout of this space has been informed by the former layout of a terrace and gardens that use to be located here.

Burgess Park St Georges Gardens

Bird and bat boxes have been fixed to numerous trees to provide roosting and nesting locations.

Burgess Park Bird & Bat Boxes

A number of dedicated BBQ have been located throughout the park, providing BBQ’s, seating and bis for BBQ ash.

Burgess Park BBQ’s

Logs and trunks of felled trees have been used in various locations as items of informal play, for children and adults to climb and sit on.

Burgess Park Play Logs