Burdin's End by Alexander Nader: Guest Post with Book Review

By Lauriej

What are your 8 favorite books?*John Dies at the End by David Wong – After high school, I read maybe 3 books. John Dies was the first book after that made me want to keep reading. Reading it was like, ‘Hey, this book was written for people like me’. That opened up a whole can of worms, or books. Yeah, a whole can of books. Wait, that doesn’t seem right either.
*Heart-Shaped Box by Joe Hill—This was the first, and only, book I’ve read that creeped me the hell out. I was on edge for almost this entire novel. Joe Hill is an amazing writer, if you don’t know him, you should look into his stuff. At the very least check out Horns on Netflix. It’s from his novel of the same name and stars Harry Potter acting very much NOT like Harry Potter.
*White Jazz by James Ellroy – The narration of this novel is insane. Passages. Sentences. Fly by. Tells story cop, crook. Dave Kline cruises town. Blue lights. Knuckles swollen, busting up pimps. Bribes makes the day go by smmoooooth….Yeah, something like that. It’s kind of exhausting to read, but such a damn cool style that I want to steal it and use it all for my own.
*The Long Goodbye by Raymond Chandler – This served as my introduction to private eye Phillip Marlowe and a style of writing that I will forever be trying to imitate and failing miserable at. Chandler’s use of metaphor and description and grit and depression will always impress me. I honestly don’t even remember the plot of this one, but I could read this guy’s style all day.
*Dead Things by Stephen Blackmoore – This novel made me interested in magic. I was never much for fantasy fantasy or sorcery or magic, but Dead Things changed all that. It put magic in your face and gave it life (Or in this case, death) for me. I’m very impatiently awaiting the third novel in this series.
*Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn – Holy shit, am I right? Read this one. That’s all I’ve got.
*Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk – I think every guy has seen this movie and the book is every bit as good. This whole thing front to back is one of the most quotable pieces of media I’ve ever enjoyed. It’s the things you own in life that end up owning you. You are not your khakis. So on and so forth.
*The Crow by James O’Barr – Okay, so technically this one is a comic book, or graphic novel if you want to get fancy about it, but The Crow was good enough for me to name my oldest son after it. Classic story of revenge that will always have a special place in my heart. If you like seeing a good guy come back from the dead to brutalize the bad guys, this one is for you.


Ty Burdin, the retired demon hunter who just can’t stay retired. 
In the final installment of the Beasts of Burdin trilogy Ty has found himself roped into working for the Agency, a top secret organization with the sole purpose of eliminating all demon activity, yet again. Demon hunting is a full time job, but luckily Ty has managed to work his way down to a ‘consulting’ position in the Agency after a few disagreements and a couple dead superiors. 

Ty’s part-time position becomes far more hands on as the demon activity in his region cranks up to eleven. Demons are crawling out of peoples’ minds and into the real world at an alarming rate and it’s up to Ty, once again, to step in and save the day. First step: get over last night’s hangover.

Burdin's End can be purchased on Amazon.MY REVIEW5 STARSI loved this thrilling conclusion to the Beasts of Burdin trilogy!It definitely surprised me, kept me constantly entertained;  at one point I was practically in tears.  In this final installment many questions are answered as to the origin of the horrific monsters Ty has encountered and fought during his life.  I thought the reason for the current monster infestation was both original and (sort of) believable in a quirky way.  I really wanted TY to get a better handle on his alcoholism, and I worried that his addiction would ruin him.  I liked that we got to learn much more about Nora and Hartnet in this installment.  Their characters are wonderful, and the support they give Ty is indisputable.  I REALLY want a new series now from Mr. Nadar.  I love the sarcastic, world-weary Ty Burdin, and hope there will be a spinoff series because we all know there are always new demons to vanquish! I received an ARC copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.Reviewed by Laurie-JMEET THE AUTHOR
I'm a writer. I know these about things are usually written in 3rd person, but I have this thing about hating people that talk about themselves in 3rd person. So I'm going to talk about me. I am a married father of three. My wife and kids are awesome and I love them. I've got a couple day jobs. When I'm not working at those, I work on my writing.

I've completed a handful of novels ranging in quality from 'fucking awful' to 'not too bad'. My Beasts of Burdin trilogy is being published by the wonderful folks over at J. Taylor Publishing. The first two installments  are also available and you can find them here.

One day I aspire to be a full time writer or at least only have one job plus writing. That would be a dream come true. Until dreams come true, I'm going to keep jotting my thoughts down around this here internet and see if something catches on.
If you like what you see you can follow the link above to my blog or follow me on Twitter @AlexNaderWrites.