Burdin of Choice by Alexander Nader: Cover Reveal

By Lauriej

Burdin of Choice

 Beasts of Burdin
by Alexander Nader
Release Date: November 10, 2014
Target Reader: Adult
Keywords: Urban Fantasy
Back of the Book
Ty Burdin is back. Back to drinking and back to avoiding demons. He is, of course, the leading expert in his field. In both subjects.
That’s probably why, when a customer offers him way too much money just to locate a missing car and some mysterious cargo, he readily agrees. The dude is human after all—Ty’s prime target client base.
Along with the money comes a slew of disappearances which Ty tries to ignore while tracking down that car, because, of course, those missing people might be demon related, and as he’s said before, that’s agency business. Not his. Period.
Until today.
Ty Burdin is to back drinking as well as everything he vowed never to get involved with again.
Question is, which one will kill him first? The booze, the demons, or the Agency?