Bundled Up in Lausanne

By Lostbutnotfound @lostbutntfound

Wearing:// Sweater: Zara, Skirt: Aritzia, Boots: Minelli (Rag & Bone)

     For some reason, packing a reasonable/rational amount of clothing for any trip still seems to trip me up. I have an undeniable tendency to pack enough for every and any possible event or situation which may arise. However, I usually end up wearing the same few pieces once I am actually traveling. When I went around Switzerland with my business class, my go-to pieces were my leather jacket and my blanket scarf. Even when I lived in France, blanket scarves seemed to be the popular accessory of the time. And when you're done trying to look chic, you can take the Zara blanket scarves, which are unbelievably massive, and take a nap at any given time. Score!! Not that I am promoting napping in random places/cities, but I know the college student struggle of wanting to pass out from overall exhaustion while walking from your dorm to the library.   I am currently procrastinating a French cinema paper on the movie À Bout de Souffle and studying for a political science quiz by finally catching up on my blogging...sorry for my hiatus! Traveling and finishing up my last assignments of my first semester has been rather hectic. I can't believe I'm nearly halfway done my Freshman year, and that I'll be leaving Switzerland in roughly 29 days. Prepare for an influx of catchup posts starting..now. Feel free to comment with what you've been up to! How're you guys doing? xoxo Isabelle             

          {FACEBOOK}{TWITTER}{INSTAGRAM}{BLOGLOVIN'}{TUMBLR} SHARE: Labels: #myaritzia , aritizia , isabelle nazha photo , isabelletakesswitzerland , lausanne , lostbutnotfound , switzerland , zara