Bullying is Wrong. Abusing People Because of Your Ignoran...

Posted on the 18 April 2013 by Doggone
Bullying is wrong. Abusing people because of your ignorant belief is wrong.
Conservatives try to justify it by claiming a right and privilege under freedom of religion to harass others; there is no such right to behave badly to others because of a religious belief.
Michele Bachmann has been conspicuously among those.  She associates with hate group preachers like Bradlee Dean who lie about people who are not heterosexual, wrongly accusing them of being pedophiles and of engaging in bestiality and other perversions.  Then he tries to claim he loves those people he has lied about.  Love is not expressed by destructive lying; that is hateful, not loving. Trying to criminalize loving sexuality is hateful, not loving.
Bullying is WRONG. Don't do it. Don't excuse it. Don't try to legitimize it.