Bullying as Social Correction: Society Will Never Stop Giving You Negative Feedback About Your Unacceptable Behavior

Posted on the 07 March 2018 by Calvinthedog

Beauregard: Again, is social control always good?

Most people think a commie like yourself is something society shouldn’t tolerate, and you should hence get the shit beat out of you until you change.

Only young kids should be able to do this (within reason). Beyond that it’s dangerous. It’s a bad precedent.

I don’t understand you guys. You guys never fought as boys? You never teased, picked on and bullied each other? When most everyone was bullying of the severe outliers for being radically unacceptable, you never joined in? You never bullied one of the designated victims? I thought all boys did this sort of thing.

Bullying pretty much ends by high school. There’s not a lot in high school and especially after high school.

But I tell you what. I can think of about 15,000 different ways I could act when I walk into the store that people would not like. When I go to the counter, there’s 50,000 things I could say that will not go over well. Those are your social rules.

If you are still an autist idiot as an adult, no one will bully you, but you will get endless messages that you are not ok, which is correct.

If I go into my local stores and act effeminate, I will get a hostile response. The guys that know me will first tell me to knock it off. Then they will ignore me. If I hit on the guys I know homosexually, boy, will that get a hostile response. I might get it! And I will fully deserve it.

If I burst into tears in public, I guarantee people will become hostile. Even if I look like I am on the verge of tears, a lot of people, especially women, will not like it.

If I go around looking psycho, people will blow me off, return hostility towards me, or act suspicious of me. I will constantly get the message that my behavior is not ok, which is proper.

Society never stops giving you messages about your behavior. Even my local culture here in this barrio has a lot of pretty complicated rules I have to follow. If I don’t follow them, rejection will soon follow. If I don’t follow some of them, I might even get hit! It’s pretty easy to get hit around here. Day to day functioning around here is in part a continuous effort to keep from getting hit. Hence respect everywhere you go, and don’t diss people.

What boys are doing is that same thing. They are just being cruder about it and more physical.

Of course adults can’t bully adults, and they should not. Where adults bully adults, it often looks pretty ugly.

But Antifa says fascists need to get hit just like boys say crybabies need to get hit. It’s the same mindset. Antifa feels that fascism is so dangerous that the only response is a “wake up call” in terms of a fist. Antifa is telling fascists that they are not acceptable. Is it ok for Antifa to “bully” fascists?