Jason Y: I don’t understand if Robert is saying this is good or bad. In this one, he’s saying siding with bullies is bad, but in the other thread, he was saying it was a good thing.
Two different kinds of bullying.
Bullying by the Masses
When you are getting bullied by normal people, when everyone is bullying you, when 90% of the normal boys are joining in with bullying you, something is wrong. Normal boys are healthy. They are not sadistic psychopaths. If your behavior is so off and abnormal that even the normal boys are bullying you, the message is you really need to change your behavior.
Furthermore, bullying severe outliers and setting up rules for boyhood ends up making the sort of men out of boys that you want your society to look like. What sort of men do you want in society? You need to create those types of men in boyhood and it’s not a pretty process.
I don’t like it and in a lot of cases it does a lot of damage, but some kids just need it.
All of us boys “got bullied” in a sense that we displayed behaviors which were met with disapproval until we changed our behaviors. Boys get masculinity beaten into them. A lot of it is verbal but a lot is physical too, especially at the elementary school level. I don’t mind that masculinity was beaten into me. That’s how you learn to be a man.
Bullying Geeked-Out Idiot Autist Morons
If you are acting like such an idiot that everyone is bullying you, you are screwing up. I mean even the normal kids are bullying you. You need to quit being such a geeked-out idiot moron. Once you do, they will leave you alone.
If we quit bullying total fucktards, you could end up with a society of men who are behaviorally pretty much autists. You want this? You want a society of nerds?
There was a boy in the 8th grade called Mark D. We called him Mark Dickblow because that sounded a lot like his last name. Everyone bullied him, even my friends and I bullied him, and were part of the normal non-psychopathic boys. “Dickblow (last name)!” we yelled at him, and he would run at us and try to hit us but he was such an autist idiot that he ran and hit like a girl. Or perhaps a retarded girl. He acted like was literally retarded. He had an expression on his face that retarded people have. That’s how geeked out this idiot was.
Well, I met this guy later on at a party. when I was 16-17. We were all smoking weed and drinking beer and I got seriously totaled. I went out to my car, puked and passed out. 10 second later I woke up, and two hours had passed.
But when I was still conscious, I met him and talked to him at the party. The point is that this geeked-out idiot was now the coolest, slickest, hippest guy you could imagine. He was “Joe Cool.” So you see, he changed. We probably beat that Joe Cool behavior into him literally.
Bullying Feminine and Effeminate Behaviors
I don’t like that pre-gay boys get bullied for being effeminate, but I bullied those boys when I was a boy.
We hated those effeminate boys. They were disgusting! 10 years old and these two twins acted like raging faggots! Their were called the Hunt Brothers or the Hunts but we called them the Cunt Brothers or the Cunts because they were such outrageous fags.
Their over the top faggoty behavior was an outrage and nobody liked it. I am not saying these boys were gay sexually. They simply displayed the effeminacy of a typical effeminate homosexual “queen” type man. It’s bad enough that men act that boy but we can sort of accept it if they are only 3% of the population, but it’s outrageous in boys. Why did they act like such faggots? Were they “born that way?” Were they born effeminate somehow and had no choice about this faggoty nonsense. Well, perhaps, but that remains to be proven. Effeminate behavior in males strikes me as chosen behavior.
I knew this Hunt guy again in 10th grade. By this time I was a good friend of his.
Anyway, in 10th grade, this Hunt boy was still effeminate, so I guess our bullying didn’t work. I never heard if he ended up gay or just an effeminate straight man.
I still do not have a high opinion of effeminate males. It’s disgusting.
Boys bully the gay or pre-gay boys. At the same time, any display of femininity or effeminacy in normal boys (all normal boys have this) is attacked the in the same way as the gay boys are.
We all get anti-feminine and anti-effeminate bullying.
Boys get it until they man up and quit being such pussyboys. I did.
We also played games taught us some serious lessons in subtle ways.
One game was Smear the Queer. We played this when we were 10 years old. One guy was the “queer” and he would jump on the ball and everyone would waste him. It was also called “Kill the Man on the Hoppityhop.” I played that with my friends and none of us were gay. Nevertheless, what lesson did I take home? Queers get smeared. Queers (the guy on the ball) even get killed. Be gay, get smeared, get killed. Mostly get your ass kicked. To this day, I associate effeminate and gay behavior with a punch in the face. That’s one major reason I don’t do those things or act like that. “Fags get hit” means “don’t be a fag.” It’s not hard to do. It’s stuff like that that keeps straight men in line acting masculine and keeps your country from turning into Afghanistan.
Bullying Crybabies and Sissyboys
One of my best friends was a crybaby when young. When he was 9-10, he was always bursting into tears for no reason. This utterly outraged us, all the other boys. People would say, “Look! He’s crying again!” The boys would all look at my friend and get mad at him for crying. People would say, “He’s crying! Kick his ass! Beat him up!” So we would all run over there, 10-15 boys, and we would all kick his ass. The odd thing is that none of us ever thought about what we were doing. There was something instinctively outrageous about a crybaby that needed to be destroyed.
This friend was getting masculinity literally beat into him.
I met him later on when he was 18 or so, and we became very good friends. He manned up tremendously, and he turned into one of the wildest playboys I have ever met. He was still rather sensitive, soft, and pretty, and morons kept saying he was gay. The subtext was that I was a fag too for hanging around with a known homo. Considering this guy was screwing more girls than the average army platoon, I considered that a completely moronic question. He wasn’t gay at all. But later, he got into bisexuality bigtime, and I cut off our friendship because you have to do that when one of your friends fags out bigtime like that. He didn’t need to do that. He did it by choice. He likes women just fine. I could go into details about why it was mandatory to cut this guy off if you don’t mind, but it was necessary for sure.
Point being this guy’s behavior changed as a result of those beatings. He manned up quite a bit and quit being such a damned pussy.
On the other hand, the gay boys get bullied. But suppose we quit bullying effeminacy and feminine behavior in boys. You could end up with a whole culture of effeminate and feminine men. That’s good. Boyhood is where men are created. Once you get rid of all the rules, you say you don’t care if boys turn into men. Bad idea. Boys need to be turned into men. With relatively harmless violence (childhood fighiting) if necessary.
Bullying Psychos and Disturbed Boys
We bullied violent, crazy, disturbed boys. We called them “psychos.” We basically tormented them. These boys were the type where you wonder if they are pre-serial killers. They were disturbed. We bullied boys like that simply for being psychos. The message is, Don’t be a psycho. Don’t be a disturbed, dangerous maniac. You want to quit bullying psychos? You could end up with a society full of sociopathic men.
Bullying by a Few Sadistic Psychopaths
Then again, very large numbers of boys who are not bullied by the masses (a red flag that something is wrong) do get bullied by the neighborhood pre-psychopaths, the true bullies. These are just asshole, mean, often sadistic boys who bully large numbers of relatively normal boys. In this case you need to side with the victims. There’s no lesson being learned here than that psychopaths bully most everyone. Boys and men who act normal need to be protected from sadistic, psychopathic bullies who are picking on them for no reason or no good reason.