Building Organizational Capacity Around the World

Posted on the 20 December 2012 by Center For International Private Enterprise @CIPEglobal

How can experienced professionals share their expertise to help build the capacity of associations around the world? With this question in mind, CIPE launched the KnowHow Mentorship in the summer of 2011.

Since then, CIPE has linked various organizations from around the world – from women business associations to SME development organization – with individual volunteers with extensive expertise in fields ranging from organizational design to association management.

When the six KnowHow mentee associations came together in September 2012, I sat down with them to understand their experiences and what they were gaining from the KnowHow mentorship.  In the latest Economic Reform Feature Service article, I summarize and highlight how the KnowHow mentorship is helping local organizations enhance their capacities, and in turn, become effective participants in their country’s economic and governance processes.

To find out more, read the article here.

KnowHow Mentorship connects associations around the world with the know-how they need to be a force for change. If you have experience in association management and would like to mentor a growing business association in a developing country, or if you are a business association looking for advice from an experienced professional in the United States, visit the KnowHow Exchange website.

Maiko Nakagaki is Global Program Officer at CIPE.