Building Memories

By Rusty @russellpurkiss

“Life gives us brief moments with another…but sometimes in those brief moments we get memories that last a life time…”

One thing that I feel very important in life is to build those special moments!  Building memories that indeed you can look back at and smile. We tend to rush through the day in a sort of survival mode, never really taking the time simply to take things in and enjoy them.  I believe it to be important to look for occasions to be able to do unusual things that will remain with you for the rest of your life.

So many are the things, or even the people who come into our lives that after a time are soon forgotten, or we don’t realize just how important they were to us until the day comes that we have them no longer! Life is truly but a vapor, it passes along and we often do not realize the many things that we take for granted and how important they were to us.

A couple of Christmases ago my son-in-law Danilo and daughter Lara bought us a digital picture frame and loaded it with a slew of pictures that they had taken the time to scan and put in digital format for us.  After our traditional Christmas gift opening ceremony I went off to my room and plugged it in. I was gone for the next hour to an hour and a half just watching as the pictures continued to change.  With each picture I was re-living the moments that I had lived and it brought such a sense of, “wow what a life and it is going faster each year!

Naturally we tend to take pictures when we are in the mood to record what is going on and it normally is a time of happiness or something that you want to remember.  But life can go so fast, with all the cares and worries of the day, although  today a good camera is so easy to come by, we are not always ready to take that snapshot. Or perhaps, we are in a hurry and we miss that grand opportunity to commit to memory a sunset, a rainbow, or an awesome rose that took bloom in our garden!

It is important to take the time to do special things with your loved ones, or anyone that may have come into your life where you can spend some special moments together, and record them.  I have memories of when I was a kid and my dear friends that I had back then that, thanks to Facebook, it has been possible to locate, others I still have no way to find them, yet they remain as fond memories to me.

Today, you may not find this so important, however believe me, as time goes on it will mean the world to you.  Take time to live life, enjoy it, others and even your current job.  Record your memories in some way because tomorrow you will wish you had.  They are treasures that will be worth more than gold or silver, because time spent with others, and special moments are what life is truly about.

Do you take the time to record your history?  Enjoy life, it is shorter than you might think!