Building a Community is Harder Than You Think

By Bren @Virtual_Bren

My Girly Parts was first published in 2012. At the time, I wanted to talk about real life situations with no sugar-coating. I believe I accomplished that. Some were offended, others were enlightened by my ability to just “put it out there” and tell it like I see it.

Then my mission evolved into something bigger. I wanted a Community of Women where we could all share our most intimate thoughts and not be judged. That’s when I created the wonder private group on Facebook. At first, some were afraid to open up. Others just couldn’t relate to the material or the group wasn’t exactly what they thought it would be. However, our Community has grown.

There are some in our Community that feel free in expressing their opinions; others are just comfortable in reading but remaining silent, and I’m ok with that. I’ve had many women tell me they like the group because we talk about real situations and are straight up and to the point. That makes me feel good about not only myself, the women in it, but our Community as a whole.

But now I want to take it further!

I think I might have hindered MGP with my back and forth about blogging and my niche but I finally, thank God, have my head on straight and know what I need to do. Finding out the HOW is the hard part. I want to build our Community up as well as the presence on my blog.

I am no longer a firm believer in Facebook pages. They aren’t private and to be honest, Facebook is making it harder and harder for Page owners and Fans to see our posts. Groups are where it’s at in my opinion. If you join a group, those status updates will always appear in your feed.

Do you want instant notifications?

Be sure to check Notifications and you’ll receive them!

You can even SHARE the group with your friends if you’d like! Just know, this is a CLOSED community so unless they join, they cannot see our posts.

Want to Invite Like-Minded Women to our Community?

Well you can do that to!

A group Administrator will approve their Membership once the request is received.

Going further

I’d like to know WHAT you’d like to see in our private Community. What type of posts would you like to see on My Girly Parts? Giving y’all what you want is going to help our Community as well as My Girly Parts grow. I have plans of my own, but your opinions are truly valued.

I’m all ears!