Build A Body Like Joe Manganiello – The True Blood Workout

Posted on the 11 October 2011 by Thevault @The_Vault

As we all know by his incredible physique, True Blood’s Joe Manganiello works out very vigorously because, playing a super buff werewolf named Alcide Herveaux requires that he be at his best. However, did you know that  he had to change his body shape from a heavy and muscular 240 pounds and 18% bodyfat to get to the super lean and athletic look you see in True Blood?

His workouts were focused on maintaining muscle mass whilst dropping body fat. Essentially he was going from big and muscular, but a bit soft looking, to lean and hard.

Although he is lucky to have good genetics he still puts a lot of time and effort into workouts. For three days he would follow a regime that was created for him by celebrity trainer, Ron Matthews. For these three days Joe would work out twice a day. For a further three days Joe would work out on his own following his own workout regime.

Click here to get info and examples of Joe’s True Blood workouts.