Buffalo Dining Club, Darlinghurst

By Foodisourreligion @food_religion
I can't believe I am about to say this but for someone that doesn't like cheese actually enjoyed going to a restaurant where almost every dish contained cheese. A lot of cheese. What happened? Who am I?! I haven't been converted but I am a bit more open to cheese more so than before. 

Spaghetti mixed in a pecorino wheel 

And yes, that is a man mixing and tossing the spaghetti in a giant cheese wheel.  The menu at Buffalo Dining Club is small and out of the 10 to 15 ishes, I believe there were only two or three non-cheese dishes.  The main cheese that is served is obviously buffalo cheese. It was my first time trying it and I found it wasn't as heavy or as strong as other types of cheese.  For entree's, you are given a choice of either burrata or buffalo cheese to be accompanied with sides of your own choosing. The waitress made two offers. Either we could choose or she took the reins and made the calls. I think it was a good idea we left the decisions in her trusty hands because dam, she definitely chose the right things. 

Buffalo cheese with chilli grilled broccoli and sicilian olives

Variety of ham and salami 

Burrata with balsamic baby carrots and roasted mushrooms

Potato Croquettes 

Oh em gee, my stomach was in food heaven. I almost also forgot to mention that I fell in love with their sicilian olives (and their marinate) and yes, olives are also another thing I usually do not like eating either. What is happening people. 
The potato croquettes were probably the best croquettes I have ever had. It wasn't oily, the potato inside was super light and fluffy while the outside was crunchy. The 'salsa' that came with the croquettes had a surprisingly strong kick to it. 

Spaghetti caico e pepe 

Sun dried tomates, basil and more buffalo cheese

Ok get ready people because here comes more cheese. I thought the spaghetti would be heavily covered with cheese but there was a reasonable amount. The garlic wasn't overpowering and the pasta wasn't dripping in gallons of olive oil. It could of done with more salt but overall, it was quite light for a pasta dish. 

Buffalo ricotta gnocchi 

Cabbage and walnut salad with blue cheese

The gnocchi was the opposite to the spaghetti. It was drowned in a lot of cheese but that is what made it such a hearty dish. On a different note, unfortunately even though I have 'opened up' to slowly trying out different types cheese, Sir Blue Cheese and I are still not friends. Maybe one day... maybe. 
I actually preferred the entree's over mains which is a first for me. The spanish ham, roasted vegetables, sicilian olives and the potatoes croquettes out wins the giant cool cheese wheel. I can't wait to come back for more cheesy nibbles. 

Gotta go eat!!