Hello, I am a recent reader of your memoir, Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Afterlife. I am writing to share my thoughts and opinions about your book. I was curious to see what all the hubbub was about as you are receiving a great deal of hype with your recent publication.
Reading your experience, I found myself growing in medical terminology as you shared the explanations for abbreviations about your health condition like CSF (cerebrospinal fluid), and APACHE II (Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation). I felt like I was learning another language, a medical language, which you and dear old Webster were helping me define.
As you were falling deeper into your coma and further explaining your journey to the other-side, I had the eerie feeling that I was traveling with you. I respect how you continue to search for the meaning of life, alongside being a respected member of the Neuroscience Profession. You have given new medical weight to Near-Death Experiences (NDEs).
Your story reads a tad bulky. I found myself trudging to look-up the definitions of technical words as well as consulting medical friends to clarify your language. I also skipped ahead to the last chapter to confirm my suspicions about the person in ‘The Photograph’ (please do not tell the Library Police that I did this).
Dr. Alexander you are a dedicated professional with supreme ethics and professional dedication. I wish you and your family all the best as you continue to recover from the coma and share your experience from the other-side. Anyone looking for a medical perspective on NDEs will find your book solidifying, informative, and comprehensive.
All the Best,
Brianna Mae
Buffalo Book Rating
Three out of five buffalos -
Middle-of-the-Road Buffalo.