Buenos Dias Gruit Ale – Beau’s All Natural Brewing

By Mike @mikescraftbeer

From Beau's All Natural Brewing in Vankleek Hill Ontario comes their "Buenos Dias Gruit Ale". The beer pours a golden colour with a white head. The aroma consists of citrus, orange, lime and an wheat and floral finish. The flavour is of herbal hops, citrus, orange, lime, citrus rind, wheat, bready and some spices. The alcohol content comes in at 4.5% with an IBU of 10. I have had mixed feelings about gruits over the years but this one was quite interesting.

Commercial Description: Buenos Dias is a gruit ale brewed with organic lime juice, organic orange and lime peel, and sea salt. The zippy lime flavour is accented with a lick of salt. Kick back and enjoy the zest of a classic Margarita in each refreshing sip!

Food pairing as per brewrey: Scallop ceviche with chili & lime; seared Albacore tuna with salsa verde; duck breast with preserved citrus & green olives; lime curd tarts.

Photo credit Beau's All Natural Brewing.