BU4 Wicked People

By Wickedying @wickedying

It’s always a pleasure to meet each and everyone of you. Here are our photos during the BU event.

Thanks a bunch ladies and gents for the tags!

Let me just say, I have the sweetest readers everrrr.. I never fail to get some thoughtful gifts from this lovely people every BU. Thank you Jhunalyn. Yay, I’m a happy blogger! 

Super cool Argie

With Aya

With shoe addict Bianca

With the most stylish shopper, Em!

With Gemnikka. Thanks for dropping by dear!

With Jhai

Blooming Rovie!

With Ritz — this girl calls me idol. Funny! Haha!

Roxanne – Met her while I was taking pictures of the BU entrance.

There you go! Hope I get to meet all of you again next time.. 

Stay wicked!