This review is part of the ongoing “The Brux Project” at I think about beer. To read the details, follow this link: The Brux Project.
The second bottle was reviewed on 09/02/2013.
Appearance: Hazy gold with touches of copper. Off-white head with not much retention.
Aroma: Funky, earthy, lemon zest, pepper, barnyard straw
Taste: Lightly tart, lemon creme, green apple. Peppery, with a spicy finish. Buttery texture.
Overall Impression: It’s been 6 months since the last bottle I opened in March of 2013. I think the beer has started to turn the funky corner. It’s starting to throw a bit of acid giving it a nice little tart touch. Also, the Brett is starting to get a bit more funky and earthy. It’s come a long way in the last 6 months when it felt a bit muted with a bit of diacetyl. I think it still has a ways to go to get to that “amazing” stage of aging. However, I’m super excited to see what this beer does with another 6 months in my cellar.
Cellar: If your curious about what the conditions are that I’ve been keeping the bottles at, check out the link above to The Brux Project to see how I’m storing it. If you’re storing yours warmer, it may be a bit further progressed than mine. If it’s cooler, a bit less.
Availability: Nationally at select retailers (It’s still available in some markets).
8.3% ABV