Brune Kelderbier (Abbey Dubbel) – Dageraad Brewing

By Mike @mikescraftbeer
Pacific Beer Chat

From Dageraad Brewing out of Barnaby BC comes their "Brune Kelderbier" an Abbey Dubbel aged with Brettanomyces. This beer was bottled on Feb 28, 2017. The beer pours a brown colour with lots of bubbles and a light brown head. The aroma consists of Brettanomyces funk, dark fruits, mild malt and a sweetness. The flavour is of Brettanomyces barnyard funk, fruits, low bitterness, hint caramel with a dry finish and little to no alcohol. The alcohol content comes in at 8%. Dageraad Brewing knows how to make great Belgian style beer and this one lands right in that genera. I would love to find more of it in the future.