One of the distractions ended up becoming a 2 hour quest to make the perfect beanie. Here is the end result...
The lip of the beanie still has some kinks that need to be worked. I think I may have to stitch it down a bit to prevent it from curling down while being worn. But, for having had not pattern, I'm pretty darn proud of the effort.
Also, I've started on my next quilt. It incorporates all of my favorite colors.
I've decided to do a 100% random pattern for this quilt. I'm excited and nervous since there really is no telling how it is going to turn out... I'll either love it, or be insane from trying to re-work it at the end :) Here's hoping for the former.
Another side effect to schizophrenic sewing is a sewing room that looks like a bomb went off. No more sewing until I can once again see my desk!
Happy sewing (or in my case cleaning!)