Browser Statistics 2022 Facts, and Figures You’ve Never Heard Before

Posted on the 12 June 2022 by Jitendra Vaswani @JitendraBlogger

There have been numerous technological advancements in recent decades, but the internet has had the greatest impact on daily living.

We use the Internet to communicate with people on the opposite side of the globe, exchange information, view films, listen to music, and even shop.

Your web browser allows us to access such a richness of information and perform so many tasks. Millions of people throughout the world use browsers, but how much do you know about them? Prepare to be amazed by the following browser statistics, facts, and numbers.

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Key Browser Statistics and Facts

  • It is believed that more than 3 billion individuals use Google Chrome worldwide. Prior to the release of Google Chrome in 2008, Microsoft's Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox ruled the internet.
  • The Chrome browser is one of the few browsers whose user base increases year over year.
  • Google Play reports that Chrome has been downloaded five billion times in 2019.
  • Would you wish to be compensated for exploiting Chrome? If you enroll in the Chrome Bounty Program, you might receive up to $30,000 for discovering vulnerabilities.

Browser Usage Statistics

  • December 2020 statistics indicate that the number of mobile internet users exceeds that of desktop users.
  • Between November 2020 and January 2021, the United States government websites received 5,2 billion visitors, of whom 56.6% used a mobile device, 47.1% used Google Chrome, and 35.2% used iOS operating systems. In December of 2020, just more than 5 percent of desktop users were still using Internet Explorer, according to research.
  • The usage of mobile browsers will reach 50.81 percent by the end of 2020, up from 31.36 percent in 2015.

Mobile Browser Statistics

  • Chrome is the most popular mobile browser, which is likely to be due to the fact that Safari is the operating system's default browser.
  • In December 2021, Safari was the most widely used internet browser among tablet owners (44.57 percent ).
  • The Internet Browser from Samsung has been downloaded over a billion times.
  • In 2021, mobile users spent an average of 155 minutes using the internet, compared to 37 minutes for desktop users.

Browser Market Share Statistics

  • Nearly seven out of ten individuals use Google Chrome, making it by far the most popular online browser.
  • Opera is the least popular web browser.
  • Google Chrome holds approximately 67 percent of the global mobile browser market share.
  • Chrome had been installed by over 5 million mobile Internet users by the middle of June 2019.
  • Google Photos contains almost 4 trillion photographs, and 28 billion photos and videos are added every week.
  • Between October 2019 and October 2030, the number of mobile internet users increased by 102 million.
  • South Korea has the fastest mobile connection speed (mobile), at a speed of 121 Mbps.

Security of Browsers Statistics

  • Chrome takes user safety very seriously and displays an average of 250 million warnings for harmful or compromised websites.
  • Google's Safe Browsing program protects more than 4 billion browser users from malware, phishing, and other threats.
  • When it comes to security updates, Chrome is the quickest, taking only 15 days, followed by Firefox at 28 days, Internet Explorer at 30 days, and Safari at 54 days.
  • UC Browser is the most popular browser for blocking advertisements, with over 400 million users globally.
  • Google has detected over 1,000 malware sites and over 40,000 phishing sites daily since the end of the year 2020.
  • As of January 2021, Firefox has 1873 vulnerabilities, followed by Chrome with 1858.
  • The average cost of a data breach in 2020, for example, will be $3.86 million.
  • In 2021, hackers compromised 3 billion Yahoo accounts, making it the second-largest data breach in history.

FAQs On Browser Statistics

How many browsers do we have?

There are more than 100 browsers now available. This page contains a list of them.

Which browser will be the most popular in 2022?

Google Chrome's market share is 64.53 percent as of March 2022, making it the market leader. Edge ranks third on the list with 4.05 percent, followed by Safari with 18.84 percent.

Is Firefox falling in usage?

Firefox has had a steady drop for over a decade. It has lost 75% of the market share it formerly controlled and a total of 500 million users.

What percentage of users increase the font size of their browser?

The percentage of people that increase the font size of their browser varies between 88 and 99 percent, depending on the source of the statistics.

What proportion of people use browser extensions?

There are almost 137,000 extensions in the Chrome Web Store, yet 86.3 percent of them have fewer than 1,000 users. 1.79 percent of extensions have more than 100,000 users.

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Conclusion: Browser Statistics 2022

The market for web browsers is currently dominated by well-known browsers such as Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari. Although a small fraction of individuals still uses Internet Explorer, it is no longer regarded as a big market player. Consequently, Edge could be Microsoft's saviour. This intriguing list of browser statistics was compiled from a variety of sources, such as: