Brooklyn Welcomes Young Buffalo [buzzsession]

Posted on the 17 August 2011 by Thewildhoneypie @thewildhoneypie

When I got ahold of Young Buffalo’s recently released EP, Young Von Prettylips, I knew they were a band I had to film with. Luckily they were down for a session, and we decided to meet and record in Brooklyn’s McCarren Park.

Something you might not have known about me — I’m a huge fan of the TV show Dexter.  So much so that I decided to set this particular Buzzsession in a fashion reminiscent of a blood splatter analysis crime scene on the show (check it here).  No death, blood, or killers here, though, just a nice contrast to the atmosphere in the park.

These videos aren’t about the string or shooting technique at all, though.  They’re about Young Buffalo and how freaking amazing they are even in a stripped down setting.  Watch “Catapilah” and “Full Metal Whacket” below and snag both MP3s for free using our SoundCloud embed. Enjoy!

If you like what you see, click the “like” button below!

‘Buzzsessions’ is a live session series made by The Wild Honey Pie.  With each new episode, we travel with a different band to a different part of New York City and record sometimes-intimate/sometimes-wild versions of two or three songs which are given away for free.