- Your Real Estate and Investments Resource

By Milastolemyheart
A person licensed to arrange the buying and selling of real estate for a fee. A real estate broker acts as an intermediary between the parties selling and buying the real estate. Real estate brokers can also be called real estate salespersons, and the people who assist them (who are generally not required to be licensed) are generally called real estate agents.-

Two of our top family goals are to get our own house and to start a long term investment. For sometime now, we've been checking our different options but there's just way too much information that it gets too confusing and overwhelming. For something as important as this, I want to make sure that we make an informed decision. is a resources I know I can trust when it comes to investments and real estate. The website is new but the information you'd find here is backed by years of experience and professional training. Author Loralee E. Aganon is a licenced Real Estate Broker and Real Estate Appraiser. She is also a financial planner associated with Manulife. She shares in articles such as Things to Consider in Buying a Condo and PRC License Verification. As per Loralee's words, "Now, that you are in the field looking for a property be sure to verify if you are dealing with a licensed or accredited individual." Because ypu can never be too sure and knowing where to get accurate information is key. 
Like Hubs and I, Loralee also came from the BPO industry and must know how most of us in the industry are clueless in the financial world. We admittedly get more than most but not everyone knows how to manage it. Years of working and we still only have one source of income - our jobs. We're not getting younger and having a daughter made me realize that we need a backup.
I'm looking forward to reading and learning more about investments from Broker In Manila. It's very important that we understand where we're putting our hard earned money to minimize the risk. We're trying to build a future for our daughter and nothing will be more important. Should we invest in stocks? Mutual funds? Business? Or just save it in the bank? What are the risks and what fits our family's needs? can provide information that everyone can easily understand and relate to. This can be an online guidebook on finding the right property for your family, and knowing how to grow your money to ensure your child's future. 
Visit the website: to read on real estate and investment news and issues, property listings, insurance and investment opportunities. You can directly email the author Loralee at for questions or concerns. 
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*this is a sponsored post but all opinion are my own