Broken Wheat Upma with Mixed Vegetables for Babies and Kids

By Sangeetha

When Jayalekshmy posted her Broken wheat porridge for babies and kids , I was tempted too. I wanted to make something with broken wheat/daliya/cracked wheat which was stocked up in my provision cupboard. I planned to make an upma with it. Added loads of veggies and churned out a broken wheat upma with mixed vegetables. In today’s post the recipe for broken wheat upma with mixed vegetables is showcased for you all

If your baby is less than 1 year , you can dry roast 1 cup of broken wheat and then grind it to a fine powder /less grainy form. Then when the upma is cooked , you can blend it into a puree consistency. If your baby is older like 20 months old Anshika no need of grinding as they are able to bite and chew the cracked wheat. The addition of vegetables makes broken wheat upma a wholesome nutritious meal.

Print Broken Wheat Upma with Mixed Vegetables Author: Sangeetha Menon   Ingredients
  • Broken Wheat (dry roasted ) – 1 cup
  • Mixed veggies (carrot,beetroot,potato,capsicum,cauliflower beans, green peas etc ) – 1 cup chopped
  • Onion – 1 finely chopped
  • Ginger garlic paste – 1.5 tsp (Optional)
  • Turmeric powder – a pinch
  • Chilly powder – a pinch (optional) or 1 slit green chilly (optional)
  • Mustard seeds – 1 tsp.
  • Salt – as reqd.
  • Oil – as reqd.
  • Ghee – 1 tsp.
  • Water – 1 cup (chicken stock/veg.stock also will do )
  • Coriander leaves – a small sprig
  1. Heat oil and crack mustard seeds in a pressure cooker
  2. Add ginger garlic paste and saute it till raw smell is gone
  3. Add onions and saute it till it changes color
  4. Add the mixed veggies and the powders
  5. Add the dry roasted broken wheat and mix it well for about 2-3 minutes
  6. Now add water , salt and pressure cook for 3-5 whistles.
  7. Add ghee while feeding
Notes 1. You can add any vegetable as per your choice
2. You can pressure cook for more time untill the required consistency of the upma is attained 3.2.1255

Hope you liked the recipe of broken wheat upma with mixed vegetables. Please let me know if your LO liked it .

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