My rating: 5 of 5 stars
The Broken Bottle by Sally Wiener Grotta is a 2010 Pixel Hall Press publication. I was provided a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Joanne and Andrew are having dinner in Chinatown. The place is one of the few open this night. The meal is going well until a group of Asians begin to behave in an ominous way that puts Joanne on edge. Andrew, however appears nonplussed. Before the evening is over two people will walk away together, but separate.
This short story is told in first person from Joanne's perspective. The atmosphere she senses in the restaurant is tense and palpable. From her line of vision, she is seeing and feeling something that Andrew from his life of vision is unaware of, giving the once happy and comfortable couple, two entirely different insights into the situation. For Joanne it is a terrifying episode that causes her feel differently about her life and her marriage from that day forward.
I think it is telling when someone could write a review that is nearly as long as the story. There were so many angles and symbolism and allegory one could read into this amazing short story. I'm going to quit writing now before I get too carried away.