This chart is from the Pew Research Center. It shows that the Trump administration has done serious damage to the respect of this country in the rest of the world. The left side of the chart shows that 93% of international relations experts believe the country is now less respected. The right side of the chart shows that 68% of the American public agrees with that assessment.
This poses a question -- Is the United States still the leader of the free world? Do we still retain enough trust and respect to be a world leader? I fear that the answer is NO. Our position has been so seriously damaged by the Trump administration that other countries feel they can no longer trust us, and a nation that can't be trusted cannot lead.
The sad part is that Trump's administration is only half over. He has plenty of time to further diminish the trust and respect in the United States. How long will it take to repair the damage he has done? Can it be repaired?