{BritMums Live 2014 Sponsorship Plea}

By Glasgow_mummy @glasgow_mummy

This year I am going to BritMums Live.
Yep, I've bought my ticket and I'm in the process of making the rest of my travel arrangements.
Am I nervous... hell yeah! This is the first big blogging event that I'll have gone to. Despite having started the blog in the middle of 2011, I've never had the gumption to attend until now. I watched all the tweets last summer and wished I had been there... immediately I bought my ticket for the following year! And low and behold, it's nearly upon us!
If you haven't heard of BritMums Live, it's the UK's biggest, two-day social media conference and blogger event. BritMums is the UK's largest parent blogger community, made up of nearly 5,000 bloggers. Wow! This year the event is being held at The Brewery in London on Friday 20th and Saturday 21st June.
I'm very much looking forward to meeting with fellow bloggers - putting faces to names, learning new skills (I've just recently created a YouTube channel and would love to expand in this area) and attending the BiBs (Brilliance in Blogging Awards). The event just sounds amazing, I can't wait!
Obviously being in Glasgow I have a bit of a distance to travel and I'm seeking some sponsorship to go towards my costs (Ticket = £65; Hotel accommodation for 2 nights = £150; Travel = approximately £100 which comes to a grand total of £315).
In exchange, I'm proposing to offer something along the lines of this (can obviously be tweaked to suit the brand and I would be more than happy to discuss this):
  • Promote the sponsor on these very pink pages with a blog post to introduce the brand plus additional posts throughout 2014, such as competitions or reviews. These posts would be publicised on all my social media outlets - Twitter, Instagram, Facebook page & Pinterest.
  • Provide a guest post for the sponsor's website/blog
  • Tweet about the sponsor before and during the event
  • Wear a branded t-shirt at the event
  • Have sponsor details on my business cards for the event
Please note: I am unable to pass out marketing materials on behalf of a sponsor at the event.
If you would be interested in sponsoring me to attend BritMums Live 2014, then please do get in touch. I can be reached through Twitter @glasgow_mummy or by e-mail, glasgow_mummy@hotmail.co.uk
I have a media kit that I can send to any interested parties which details my monthly page views etc.
Thanks so much, Sarah aka Glasgow Mummy :-)
Photograph by Zoe Stewart Photography