Michael Shrimpton is a British barrister (attorney), an adviser to British intelligence, and a serious person.
He also is a contributing columnist for the blog, Veterans Today. This is his biographical sketch on Veterans Today:
Shrimpton has his own blog, The Shrimpton Report. His email address is michael@mshrimpton.co.uk. And Wikipedia used to have an entry on him (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Michael_Shrimpton), but if you go to that URL, you’ll get the messsage: “This page has been deleted”.
After you’ve read this post, you’ll know why Wikipedia scrubbed its page on Michael Shrimpton.
Shrimpton was a speaker at a recent forum (date unknown). He made references to certain recent and contemporaneous events: Prince Harry having left his deployment in Afghanistan; the unprecedented snowfall the British Isles had this winter. Then, Shrimpton dropped a bombshell about Obama.
The video below is an excerpt from Shrimpton’s presentation, in which he makes the following startling claims:
- Although Barack Hussein Obama (BHO) is said to have been born on August 4, 1961, he actually was born in 1960.
- Obama’s alleged mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, was not pregnant in July 1961.
- Although BHO is said to have been born in Honolulu, Hawaii, he actually was born in Mombasa, Kenya, which was then British territory, which means British intelligence has his records.
- The C.I.A. surreptiously took a DNA sample of Obama at a fundraising dinner and ran a test, but could not match Obama’s DNA with his [maternal] grandparents, the Dunhams.
- Former New York governor and GOP presidential aspirant Rudy Giuliani told Shrimpton at a recent lunch that he (Giuliani) knows all about this. Giuliani had hoped he would be the GOP presidential candidate and he’d then use the information against the Democrats.
- The Clintons (Bill and Hillary) also know about this.
Here’s the full 1½ hour video from which the excerpt was taken, but you should know that Shrimpton does not talk about Obama in the rest of his presentation:
H/t Gaia Media, via Birther Report