Britain and Austerity

Posted on the 05 April 2013 by Aca The Underground

By Anton

Capitalism has divided us, and it’s done it with spectacular results. Cameron has shifted the public worry from the economic hardships to immigrants. In fact, we can see the more shit they get us in, the more shit the immigrants get. Of course, in times of trouble, the ruling classes will attempt to divert the masses anger towards a scapegoat, whether it is an ethnic minority, a religious minority, or, in Britain’s case- the lumpen proletariat.
The daily mail began its relentless campaign on those on benefits, often picking those who represent the worst of the lumpen proletariat, and then demand the destruction of the welfare state. But what happens when Cameron runs out of people to blame? He’s blamed the poor, the people on benefits, the immigrants and the disabled.
I would like to say the British people would not stand by whilst their beloved welfare state is cut up and handed to Cameron’s chums, but so far I’ve seen little resistance.