Bristol Primark Haul

By Boo_brown

  • They has these lovely spring coloured cardigans down to £4.90 from £6 so i got 3 colours as i just couldn't decide which was my favorite. I got 2 18's and one 20. I didn't plan on wearing them buttoned up so the fit is fine. They are quite stretchy and quite a light knit.
  • Peep toe shoes, as the weather get warmer my feet hate being trapped in shoes, but i don't think it is quite flip flop weather yet so this my middle ground, the are from the wide fit section, they also had them in nude and red and they were £8. Now i just need to paint my toe nails
  • Leggings, primark leggings are a staple item for me, i gave up buying expensive leggings as they always got holes, so instead i spend £3 a pair and they last as long as they last. They are also a great length on my legs and don't go baggy on my knees, all winners in my book. They had a new cotton stretch ankle length pair in so i got them and my usual ones. 
  • I needed a plain white tee, i have white vest tops so i needed to fill the void, i have some outfits that would look great with a white top, and when teaching i like to have some sleeves. 
  • I also spotted a bolero, i love a bolero for the spring, this sits perfectly on me and hugs my shoulders 
  • I liked this wooden dream sign, it will go with my relax one in my room and it will remind me that i still need to have dreams, because if you don't have dreams, what have you got to look forward to.
  • I picked up two necklaces, i had to be really tame here, i had about 5 in my hand but i just didn't need that many, so i picked these two, one is silver shapes at different angles and a gold and black triangle.
  • The bags, i think these are my favorite buys from the day. The silver holographic bag has been a much coveted item, it is a good size and for only £8 a bargain. The boom bag, i just liked how playful it is, i might actually use it is as a make up bag, it was only £4.
So that's my Primark Haul. I think i could have got more but i was trying to be reasonable, i really wish now i had got something from the my little pony range, but i'm going to London in a few weeks so i will go to the big Primark there and maybe indulge a bit.