Bringing Spring Inside

By Coreyamaro

Walking around the countryside as Spring unfolds has allowed me to see nature's secrets. The barren branches, the buds bursting, the petals unfolding... I now know where the flowers bloom wildly, and where I can pick from the unattended fig and cherry trees.

Yesterday I went to pick some lilacs.

Then I gathered some long branches with tiny white roses.

My home has never had as many bouquets!

Darker lilacs grew further up the path so I gathered some of those too for the living room.

On the way back I saw my neighbor, she asked if I was hopping fences to steal flowers. I knew she was teasing, but to be sure I shared my source.

Today I saw an older neighbor, her arms overflowed with lilacs, she said, "Up the road, to the left, down the path and across the field there are wild lilacs bushes..."

I guess I am not the only one to find the secrets unfolding in wild places.


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