The Bald & the Balder - Fall 2006
As you might imagine, cancer and the treatments for it affect your entire body inside and out. Your outward appearance can change in so many ways and for many people this can be difficult on self-esteem and confidence. I had heard about a program called “Look Good Feel Better” and I decided to find out more about it. Someone I know had gone to this during her treatments and had really enjoyed it the program. It’s a national non-profit program that “is committed to helping women manage the appearance related effects of cancer and its treatment.” The premise is that if you can control how you look it empowers you and provides a positive and strong attitude. Feeling better about yourself is so important during this time and when you look good you usually do feel better.The program is free and includes a two-hour step by step workshop with make-up tips, hair alternatives and other beauty tips. It’s offered by industry trained cosmeticians and other specialists and each participant receives a complimentary cosmetic kit and personal care products. I signed up and was looking forward to the session. Unfortunately, the only one I could attend was during the day and since all of my friends were at work during the day I had to go alone. I had no problem with that but it would have been much more fun to bring a friend along. Anyway, I went to the workshop and totally enjoyed it.
I was so inspired by the women that were going through this stupid cancer thing but I was equally inspired by those that were there to support us. One young twenty-something girl that was there showed us her wig she had just got for going out clubbing with her friends. She said that when she felt good she wanted to go out and dance and forget about the cancer world for a little while and just do what everyone else her age was doing. I loved that attitude! I felt the same way except I was not dancing the club scene – just in my own living room. Dance like nobody is watching. One of my favorite sayings.
So after that Look Good Feel Better session we were all bringing sexy back. Even if it was just a little bit of sexy.
If you or someone you know would like to find out more about the Look Good Feel Better programs in about 25 countries worldwide please visit:
Bringing Sexy Back - Justin Timberlake